Water, Society and Climate Change

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WaSo Asia semi-annual meeting 2014

Asia annual meeting (WaSo Asia) of the project Institutional Capacity Building in Water management and Climate Change adaptation in selected countries in Asia and Africa (Water & Society ) was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh During October 16-18th, 2014. Prof Md. Mafizur Rahman, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and coordinator of the project in BUET was the chief organizer of the meeting.


The meeting served as a gathering platform for project Partners from Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Prof. Norith PHOL), University of Peradeniya & University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (Prof. S.B. Weerakoon & Prof. SrivaKumar) and The Norwegian University of Life Sciences(Prof. Harsha Chandima Ratnaweera, Kaia Bing); University of Bergen (Prof. Tore Sætersdal). A number of delegates from the various Government agencies, NGOs and International partners also attended the meeting as participant.


Invited delegates along with Prof. Md. Mafizur Rahman meet Vise Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) as well as Dean of Civil Engineering Faculty. After that they visited different existing laboratory facilities in BUET.


On 17th October Honorable Vice Chancellor of BUET attended the meeting with other faculty members of BUET and discussed various aspects as well as way forward. On 18th October, 2014 the notable partners have discussed scopes and opportunities in WaSo-Asia implementation plan, Auditing facilities and further fellowship plan for all the partners in WaSo –Asia.

WaSo Inception meeting Kandy, Sri Lanka

The inception meeting for both WaSo Asia and WaSo Africa was hosted by the University of Peradeniya in Kandy, Sri Lanka from 13-15 January 2014.

group picture waso

A joint kick-off for the two WaSo projects was held at the University of Peredeniya in Sri Lanka in January 2014 with representatives from all eleven partner institutions

IWRM training Programme

Training Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka is held in Killinochchi from 18-22nd September 2015.

There are emerging problems associated with water resources planning, development and management in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka with the accelerated development work after the end of conflict. Integrated water resources management is one of the approaches in order to address these complex issues. In this context, it is vital to impart new knowledge to those who are working in the water and associated sectors in the Northern Province. With this objective, a five day residential training programe is jointly organized by the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture of University of Jaffna and Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. The training programme is fully sponsored by the CapNet-Lanka and WASO Project.

More information and application form: Brochure – IWRM training Programme

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